In today's world, any responsible company has a duty to do all it can to reduce waste and prevent pollution. The future of our planet depends on our actions today! At L'OCCITANE, we've been focusing on ways to reduce, recycle and react for many years, but there's still more we can do. And we're working on it!
Some Alarming Facts...

Alarming fact: By 2050, there could be more plastic than fish in the ocean.
What we do: We have never had plastic bags in our stores, and are phasing out plastic cellophane and plastic spatulas.

Alarming fact: 50% of the plastic the world uses is used just once, then thrown away.
What we do: 25 L'OCCITANE products are already available in eco-refills, which use an average of 85% less plastic than a standard bottle.

Alarming fact:Over the last 10 years, humans have produced more plastic than during the whole of last century.
What we do: By 2025, 100% of our plastic bottles will be produced from 100% recycled material.
Our Mission
3 x 100% by 2025! 100% of our bottles will be made from 100% recycled plastic, and 100% of our owned boutiques will offer a recycling service.

Many of our products are available in eco-refills, which use 65 to 90% less plastic than a regular bottle. In 2017, our overall use of plastic was reduced by 7% thanks to customers opting for these eco-friendly solutions. So, when there's a choice, go for this eco-option! And you'll be glad to know that we plan to sell even more eco-refills in the future!
L'OCCITANE recently signed a multi-year contract with Loop Industries, which uses a revolutionary process to transform waste plastic into high-purity, food-grade PET plastic. Thanks to this groundbreaking technology, we should be able to achieve our goal of using 100% recycled plastic in our bottles by 2025!


OUR AROMACHOLOGIE RANGE: 100% recycled packaging for the past 10 years!
Do you know why the bottles in the Aromachologie range have a green colour? It's because they're designed to be green! In the world of cosmetics, clear plastics are usually preferred, but we chose to use coloured bottles for this range, so we could make them from 100% recycled PET.
By 2025, we want to be using rPET in all our bottles, and we're working with Loop Industries to make this happen!
What's Next?
We like to keep our packaging simple: no frills or excess! By reducing packaging thickness, we've already saved 28 tons of plastic. And we're currently planning to replace our cellophane protective seals with a new, eco-friendly, compostable solution made from FSC-certified wood fibre. Watch this space!